Community Inclusion/Outreach Support (CI/OS) is provided to individuals who require help in establishing person centered goals. While the support worker may help formalize the goals, all goals are established by the individual.
Individuals can receive any number of hours of service/day with the amount of support allocated to an individual being determined by Community Living British Columbia (CLBC). Working in collaboration with CLBC and representative stakeholders we have developed six client focused outcomes that direct and maintain our exceptional standards of care:
Support and promote individual’s rights.
Develop and maintain personal relationships.
Develop and implement personalized plans.
Meet all health and safety needs; promote overall wellbeing.
Contribute in and to their community(ies).
Develop strategies to promote culturally diverse services.

Our services are designed to help people through any challenges that they may encounter. Some of the duties and responsibilities include:
Being a positive role model by demonstrating appropriate dress, good hygiene, behaviour and lifestyle.
Ensure health and safety at all times.
Teach life skills such as budgeting, banking, meal preparation, grocery shopping, housekeeping, laundry, personal care, hygiene, how to use public transit, building healthy relationships.
Help to schedule and ensure medical appointments are attended.
Support in developing resumes and finding employment.
Ensure that the least restrictive approach to behaviour management and positive reinforcement is utilized at all times. Staff are also trained in CPI - Non-violent Crisis Intervention techniques (MANDT) to best support the individual when challenging behaviours present.
Prima Home-share is an inviting residential option for those individuals looking for independence while still requiring daily support to enhance their quality of life. Home-share means exactly that, the individual receiving support will share a home with either a single person, couple, or family of their choice. The Home-share model allows for a natural home environment; while providing individualized support to ensure safety, security, and emotional wellbeing.
In the Home-share model, the support provider is often the main support to the individual, taking on many roles and responsibilities. The support provider will work in collaboration with other agencies, resources, and external supports to ensure needs, wishes, and goals are being worked towards.

Is provided by a Non-Violent Crisis Intervention Instructor allowing for 24 hour on-call support. Whether its questions, venting, or debriefing, we will always be available to you and your family member’s specific needs.
CPI - Non-Violent Crisis Intervention Training is provided to your home share provider so they will have the skills to support your family member in a safe, non-threatening manner.
We will offer continual support, advocacy and liaising with professionals to get appropriate supports in place for your family member.
Sometimes your family member and the home share provider will want to have a break from each other, this is called respite. We will screen potential respite relief staff for you and the home share provider if there isn’t already someone that is suitable to you. We can interview together and include the individual and families for the best possible match. This may be one person or several, whatever the best solution is to the needs of the individual and care provider. We will ensure all of the credentials and certifications are in place for you to make this process as easy as possible.
Supported Living is a residential option for those individuals seeking independent living with supports specific to their wants, needs and wishes. The supports are directed to the person served; it is not a residential program where a service is provided. In Supported Living there are no “house rules”, individual’s self direct their lives.
Each individual will view the apartment and choose whether or not it is a place they want to live. In Supported Living, each individual is a rental tenant of their own unit. We will ensure it is a healthy and safe environment at all times.
Our Supported Living programs will either have an onsite or offsite coordinator. The onsite coordinator lives within the program and is immediately available in person. The offsite coordinator performs daily support and check-ins and is available by phone whenever needed.
We also provide Outreach Support Workers who work one on one with the individual seeking supports to develop expectations and service goals. These expectations and goals will then help to identify the number of hours and types of supports that will be made available.

We are happy to provide any supports requested, some of the more common areas of supports include:
Enhanced life skills such as, budgeting, banking, meal preparation, cooking, grocery shopping, housekeeping, laundry.
Enhanced Community Access; how to use and access public transit, how to connect with community programs and generic services.
Support in connecting with friends and/or family, creating a social life if desired.
Personal care and proper hygiene support.
The process of finding a Supportive Living arrangement begins with a referral from Community Living British Columbia (CLBC). CLBC is the organization who provides the funding and initiates the planning. If individuals are connected with CLBC, we welcome a self referral and will contact CLBC on your behalf.